patrick j nielsen

that guy's still alive?!.....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

humility and teaching your flesh to shut up......

so i'm back aagin... lots has went down and i have a decent amount to say, so be patient. so currently God has opened a very interesting door for be specific i'm going to a local treatment facility. i never expected God to put this kind of a task on my plate so early in my second chance...but He knows who i was and who i am and He knows that if i bear and share He will be heard. i feel a emensce amount of pressure by being in this position. But i can't lean on myself...i must lean on the Lord to make it through. i really have to think hard about all i say and do and keep a guard up against worldly crap that floats around....but i also have to show i'm human too. the first week has been hard, fun, emotional, stressful, and amazing to say the least. (i think to myself of the heretical pastor that pushes "purpose diven life" on people and won't give Jesus Christ all the glory He deserves. i cringe and ask God to correct him.) there are a few groups during the week that really urk me but God has opened my eyes. i know what i'm suppose to be doing and i need to stay focus on that. anyway the reason i titled this what it is , is because i missed a day the other week. i woke up with the worst headache i ever had and it had me feel like heaving chow. so i stayed home...all i could think about was that crap that was going out when i wasn't there. i had stay up the night before studying so i was ready if i was called to correct(which God enlighten me thats not my purpose). all day i felt i was neglectin the Lord's work (i was). i felt sick all day and seeked more council later. the holy spirit has led me to this conclusion... i can't think of my flesh if it pangs me when God's work needs to be done(i could have went even though i was ill), i have to be a good example and weigh my words according to the word, and i have to show them that they can change with the power of Christ. i have to be in constant prayer and led by the spirit to do what i'm called to. otherwise it is of my hands and won't mean much. i know what God wants and i'm letting Him lead the way. keep me in prayer..... all glory to God amen


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